Our New Baby

A Baby Record Calendar

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May 15, 2012

Page Count

36 Pages




Here’s a great way to record the milestones and memories from pregnancy through your baby’s first year.

Our New Baby Calendar is an instructional, motivational, and easy-to-understand guide to the last three months of your pregnancy and your baby’s first year. This undated, interactive calendar provides basic pregnancy and childcare information that helps new parents with important aspects of early parenthood. It includes: • Monthly development and milestone information. • Things to do to prepare for your baby’s arrival and to stimulate your baby’s development after the birth. • Spaces to record your baby’s weight, length, and other vital statistics. • Baby care tips to help you during the first year. • A summary of important “firsts” for your baby, tips on responding to your baby’s crying, helpful hints for fathers and other significant partners. This is a perfect way to mark important events and serve as an adorable family keepsake.